Kim Loliya




Kim Loliya is a sex educator and editor of sex+, a sex positive magazine that shares real stories and rewrites narratives about sex. As a body-based coach at The Pleasure Institute, Kim specialises in sexual empowerment and healing, believing that sexual pleasure is our birthright and that overcoming sexual shame is the key to joyful, powerful lives and relationships. Kim is passionate about communication, vulnerability and bringing authenticity into everyday interactions. Kim runs workshops and curates events in London on a variety of sex-related topics and is passionate about promoting inclusivity in the sexuality industry by leading Diversity For Sexuality Professionals - a practitioner group that provides support and best practice to widen access to sexuality-based services and training.





Consent is a essential part of BDSM that enables delicious, unforgettable play, yet it can be complex and nuanced for newbies and advanced practitioners alike. Navigating consent can bring up various types of difficulties, from misunderstandings or disconnection to trauma and power abuse. In this workshop we will talk about how to ensure consent an exciting part of play and how consent conversations can be a space for self-exploration and vulnerability on both sides. We will be covering the following topics through a mixture of paired and group/paired work and discussion:
- How to use the body's wisdom in consent conversations and negotiations
- How to navigate consent moment by moment
- Consensual non-consent (how to play within the parameters of CNC)
- Consent violations in relationships (what to do and how to navigate them when they arise)
- The evolving language and framework of consent - from SSC to RACK
- Playing without safe words (the non-verbal landscape of consent)
- Consent for advanced practitioners

What to expect? This will be a safe space to elevate the current conversations on consent, ask questions and share best practice with other practitioners.






Aftercare is an art and not a science. Finding that sweet spot to come down softly after play is an important part of integrating kink experiences and looking after yourself so you can enjoy the experience and go deeper. There is huge variety in aftercare needs, desires and practices, and it is an evolving practice useful for newbies and advances practitioners alike. We will be covering the following topics through a mixture of paired and group/paired work and discussion:
- How to use the body's wisdom in determining how much aftercare you need
- Aftercare practices for advanced BDSM practitioners
- Aftercare for dominants/tops
- Aftercare at play parties or in group settings
- The relationship between self-care and aftercare
- Navigating aftercare in 24/7 BDSM relationships
- Communicating aftercare in pre-play negotiations
- Personalised aftercare protocols
- Revolutionary aftercare

What to expect? You will learn lots of useful tips and tricks from other practitioners, discover more about the intricacies of aftercare and find some inspiration for your aftercare protocols.





Photos: CONSENT©Jack Davies - AFTERCARE©Terricks Noah